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Image: Publication cover - Warruwl (detail) by Lucy Simpson.
Create NSW is the NSW Government's arts and cultural driver, providing funding, support and helping to grow the sector.
Create NSW acknowledges that
Driven by self-determination, these Aboriginal Arts and Culture Protocols (download in full below) have been developed as a series of suggested questions within five key principles that Aboriginal artists, arts workers and organisations should consider as a minimum standard.
These five principles have been identified as the most important elements to ensure there is Aboriginal self-determination embedded within the Aboriginal project or program.
The principles are:
Through the direction these Protocols give, we can ensure that the NSW Aboriginal cultural sector will continue to grow and thrive built on the foundations of authority, agency and relevance.
Download the protocols below
For more information contact us at
For more arts and culture sector resources, see the Resource Hub
The shift towards First Nations Artform Affirmation
Create NSW has changed the way ‘confirmation of Aboriginality’ is verified. We want to respect the different ways First Nations NSW people connect with their cultural heritage and Aboriginality through their arts and cultural practice.
Details of First Nations NSW Artform Affirmation is here.
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